Being a good neighbour is a way of making a real difference right where you live.  Assuming you’re fit and well, and take sensible precautions, here are some of the things you can do…

Check on them, especially anyone who may live alone (regardless of their age), anyone elderly or anyone that may be potentially vulnerable. If someone is self-isolating or unable to get out for whatever reason, you could help by doing practical yet vital tasks such as:

  • Collecting a prescription or over the counter medications
  • Doing some basic grocery shopping.
  • If you are making a meal offer to make a portion for someone who may not be feeling able to cook for themselves.
  • Take their bins out on bin day.
  • Offer to exercise their dog if they have one and are not able to do this themselves.

It is often the little acts of kindness that have the most impact.  This is now the time to reach out to neighbours and let them know that you can help

Keep up to date with ways you can help with our dedicated Facebook group, Newhaven on Forth Covid-19 Response Group.

To Newhaveners of old, looking out for each other was second nature.  In this hectic and fragmented world we now live in, it is so neccessary to re-engage with your neighbours.  If anything good is to come out of this horrendous pandemic, perhaps a shift from the ‘me’ society back to a more ‘we’ society will become the new norm.our 


Anchor Building

Is there a real possibility of Newhaven having its own Museum once again?  With the site of Victoria School soon to become vacant, we have the tantalising prospect of the site becoming the subject of a community asset transfer for the benefit of the people of Newhaven is on the horizon. 

Phoenix Project Receives Academic Acclaim

What is the Phoenix Project? This is an innovative project which provides an opportunity for young people to interact with their local history in a hands-on, cross-curricular way. It is a process and a product: pupils of Victoria Primary will have the chance to learn research skills with a real, relevant context and to use the information they find to expand their creative, expressive and imaginative talents.

New Murals for Auchenleck Court

Mural 2 Web

A new series of murals is being created by the children from the Victoria Primary School After School Club working with an artist to create four murals inspired by the street names in Newhaven Village. 

Bow-Tow Newsletter #25

The newsletter of Newhaven Heritage can be downloaded here > > > 

All the previous back issues are available for you, too.  Why not get the next issue delivered right to your Inbox?  

Email newhavenheritage@gmail.com with the Subject Title: Newsletter giving us your name and postcode.  We don’t need your address. 

This issue includes — A Poverty Of Vision / Social Media / The Society Of Free Fishermen Of Newhaven Immemorial / More Retail Therapy / An Amazing Gift / Growing Season / Choir Notes / A Different Kind Of Spring / Give As You Live / Paper Chase . . . and more

Help Newhaven Grow

Any time you are making an online purchase from one of 4300 outlets, a small commission will be paid to our Community Gardens Fund

 The Bow-Tow Facebook Group

There’s a new group in town
The Bow-Tow Group

Are you a Bow-Tow?

This Group is for people across the world who are interested in the rich heritage of Newhaven on Forth to post their old photos, share stories and ask questions about genealogy relating to the village and it’s inhabitants.

To be a Newhavener is to be a Bow-Tow.

Join our happy band today.


The Latest Bow-Tow
Available Now!

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